Diagnostic Ultrasound
Full Diagnostic Ultrasound Prices
Diagnostic services must be ordered by a primary care provider. The clinical indications acquired during the exam will be interpreted by our Board Certified Radiologist. The final report will be sent to the patient’s care provider.
Nuchal Translucency Screening (11-15 weeks) $175.00
An ultrasound is done between weeks 11-14 to measure the translucent area in the skin on the back of the baby’s neck, known as the nuchal fold. The test is usually performed between 11-14 weeks gestation and is used to screen for Down Syndrome, heart abnormalities and other anomalies. This is a screening exam, used to help understand a patient’s risk of genetic complications with their pregnancy.
Level 1 Sonogram (Basic Fetal Anatomy Evaluation and follow up study) $200.00
Routine exam lasting between 15 to 20 minutes. Used to determine pregnancy dates, location of placenta, and check for birth defects.

Level 2 Sonogram (Complete Anatomical Survey) $250.00
A longer targeted exam that typically uses more advanced ultrasound equipment to gather a complete anatomical survey or to further investigate a suspected fetal abnormality.
Fetal Biophysical Profile (Fetal Well being Assessment) $250.00
A biophysical profile (BPP) test measures the health of your fetus during pregnancy. A BPP is commonly done in the last trimester of pregnancy. If patient have a high-risk pregnancy, her Doctor may order a BPP by 32 to 34 weeks or earlier.
Cervical Length evaluation (Preterm Labor Symptoms Assessment) $250.00
If patient had a history of late miscarriages (in the second trimester) or premature births, she may be advised to have scans to measure the length of her cervix (neck of the womb), in future pregnancies. This is typically to look for early signs of the cervix opening before the baby is due. Cervical length scans may also be recommended if patient is expecting twins or have had surgery to your cervix.
Abdominal Complete Ultrasound $275.00, Liver Ultrasound $225.00
Abdominal ultrasound is used to examine organs in the abdomen including the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The blood vessels that lead to some of these organs can also be looked at with ultrasound.
Pelvic Ultrasound $250.00
The bladder, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes of a woman.
•Transabdominal ultrasound. Commonly done in women to look for large uterine fibroids or other problems.
Renal Ultrasound $300.00
2D and Doppler ultrasound assessment of maternal kidneys: analysis of intrarenal resistivity indexes in normal pregnancy and physiologic pelvicaliectasis.