Ultrasound Packages
Elective Ultrasound
- 10 minute 2D session starting as early as 8 weeks from LMP
- Pregnancy Confirmation (non-diagnostic)
- Size and Expected Due Date (non diagnostic)
- See and Measure Baby’s heartbeat
- 4 BW photos
- Twin pregnancy additional $20
- Sesión 2D de 10 minutos que comienza a las 8 semanas de FUM
- Confirmación de Embarazo (no diagnóstico)
- Tamaño y fecha prevista de parto (no diagnóstico)
- Ver y medir los latidos del corazón del bebé
- 4 fotos en blanco y negro
- Embarazo gemelar $20 adicionales
- 10 minute 2D session
- Gender determination as early as 13 weeks
- Size and Expected Due Date (non diagnostic)
- Listen and Measure Baby’s heartbeat
- 4 BW photos
- Twin pregnancy additional $20
- 10 minutos 2D Ultrasonido
- Determinación del género ya a las 13 semanas
- Tamaño y fecha prevista de parto (no diagnóstico)
- Escuche y mida los latidos del corazón del bebé
- 4 fotos en blanco y negro
- Embarazo gemelar $20 adicionales
- 15 Minutes 3D Ultrasound session (Photos only)
- Gender Determination/Confirmation
- 2 BW and 2 Color Prints
- Unlimited digital Images
- Estimated weight and due date of baby (non diagnostic)
- Add $30 for rescan if images are unobtainable due to baby’s position, placenta, or fluid
- Twin Pregnancy additional $40
- Sesión de Ultrasonido 3D de 15 Minutos (Solo fotos)
- Determinación/Confirmación de Género
- Impresiones 2 B/N y 2 colores
- Imágenes digitales ilimitadas
- Peso estimado y fecha de parto del bebé (no diagnóstico)
- Agregue $30 por volver a escanear si las imágenes no se pueden obtener debido a la posición del bebé la placenta o el líquido.
- Embarazo gemelar $40 adicionales,
- 20 minute 3D/4D Ultrasound session (photos and videos
- Gender determination/confirmation upon request
- 4 BW and 2 Color prints
- Digital Images and Video set to lullaby music sent via Mobile Application
- Keepsake Folder
- Estimated weight and due date of baby (non diagnostic)
- Add $30 for 5D Ultrasound
- Add $30 for rescan if images unobtainable due to baby's position, placenta and fluid
- Twin Pregnancy additional $40
- Sesión de Ultrasonido 3D/4D de 20 minutos
- Determinación/confirmación de género previa solicitud
- 4 fotografías en blanco y negro y 2 en color
- Imágenes digitales y videos configurados con música de cuna enviados a través de una aplicación móvil.
- Imagenes y Video Digitales en una aplicación móvil
- Carpeta de recuerdos
- Peso estimado y fecha de parto del bebé (no diagnóstico)
- Agregue $30 por ultrasonido 5D. ¡Reescaneado gratuito si el bebé no coopera! (dentro de las 2 semanas posteriores a la visita original y la cita entre semana únicamente)
- Embarazo gemelar $40 adicionales
- 30 minute 2D/3D/4D session with 5D (true to life) Ultrasound
- Keepsake stuffed animal with your baby's heartbeat
- Gender determination/confirmation upon request
- 6 BW and 4 Colored photos
- Digital Images and Video set to lullaby music sent via Mobile Application
- Keepsake Folder
- 4D Live Streaming – Share your ultrasound to anyone across town or across the world!
- Estimated weight and due date of baby (non diagnostic)
- Free re-scan if baby does not cooperate! (within 2 weeks from original visit and weekday appointment only)
- Twin Pregnancy additional $40
- 30 minutos 2D/3D/4D y 5D Ultrasonido
- Peluche animal con el latido del corazón del bebe
- Determinación/Confirmación de género
- 6 fotos en blanco y negro
- 4 fotos en color
- Imagenes y Video Digitales en una aplicación móvil
- Carpeta de recuerdos
- Re Escanear gratuitamente si el bebé no coopera.
- Streaming - Comparte tu sesión de ultrasonido a cualquiera en toda
- Two separate 2D/3D/4D sessions with 5D (true to life) Ultrasound
- 1 Keepsake stuffed animal with your baby's heartbeat
- Gender determination/confirmation upon request
- 4 BW and 4 Colored photos each session
- Digital Images and Video set to lullaby music sent via Mobile Application
- Keepsake Folder
- 4D Live Streaming – Share your ultrasound to anyone across town or across the world!
- Estimated weight and due date of baby (non diagnostic)
- Free (1) re-scan if baby does not cooperate! (within 2 weeks from original visit and weekday appointment only)
- Twin Pregnancy additional $60
- Dos sesiones separadas 2D/3D/4D con Ultrasonido 5D
- Determinación/confirmación de género a petición
- 4 fotos en blanco y negro & 4 fotos en color por sesión
- Imagenes y Video Digitales en una aplicación móvil
- Carpeta de recuerdos
- Re Escanear aratuitamente si el bebé no coopera
- 4D Live Streamina - Comparte tu sesión de ultrasonido a cualguiera en toda la ciudad o en todo el mundo
Add Ons
May be added on to any of the above packages.
- Small/Medium Heartbeat Animal - $35
- Large Heartbeat Animal w Frame - $45
- 4D Live Streaming -$10
- Extra Color Prints - $5
- Extra BW Prints - $2
- Gender Poppers - $25
- Digital Picture/Video Frame Medium - $70
- Digital Picture/Video Frame Large - $90
In Preparation to your 3D 4D 5D Ultrasound, please stay very well hydrated prior to ultrasound appointment.
It is recommended to drink 10-12 8 ounce of water as the amniotic fluid level plays a big part in obtaining clear images.
- Small/Medium Heartbeat Animal - $30
- Large Heartbeat Animal w Frame - $45
- Mobile Application - $10
- USB - $15
- 4D Live Streaming -$10
- Extra Color Prints - $5
- Extra BW Prints - $2
- Gender Poppers - $25
If you are having twins/multiples, please add $25.00 to your package. This is necessary due to the added time needed in order to obtain great pictures and video for your babies. Please also let us know in advance so we can plan for a longer appointment. This session will typically take 45 minutes.
If your baby is shy and we are not able to determine gender we will reschedule you for one return visit at no charge within two weeks. However, if you are traveling from afar it is to your advantage to wait until 18 weeks or later to come in for gender. If images are unobtainable due to the baby’s position, one (1) complimentary ultrasound session (select packages) is offered between Tuesday-Friday appointment only within two weeks. Additional Rescans are $25.
Surprise your Mommy-To-Be with a The Pregnancy Studio
Ultrasound Gift Certificate! Call for details!
(Certificates can be ordered and processed over the phone by credit card, personally customized and emailed to either you or the recipient)
What to expect in 4D at different stages of pregnancy.

8-14 weeks provides early views where you can see the baby as a whole and listen to the heartbeat.

15-18 weeks you are able to obtain full body pictures and determine gender. A great time to see baby kick and turn.

26-30 weeks is when you can see a well defined face

31-36 weeks baby has a full face and chubby cheeks